i came face to face again with twitterman. to those who know who he is count yourself among the lucky 5. to those who don't know him...well that is life. we all must keep a few secrets to ourselves.
amazingly after a loooong spell. he remembered me. he asked how i was - and stood there DUMBSTRUCK. i couldn't say ANYTHING. the queen of snappy comebacks was absolutely rendered SPEECHLESS...and all i could think of was 'Jilly - you are a USELESS, SPINELESS, TOOOO BADLY CRUSHING ON HIM GIRL!!!!'
i think he may have started working out - where he finds the time out of his incessantly long hours is a major question. all i could think of when i saw him was 'OMG he's filled out!!!! he's broader, put on about 10 pounds of muscle in his shoulders and arms....THUD (fainting spell at this point)
listen this man is already BEAUTIFUL to begin with - seeing a filled out version of him was like appreciating a tenderloin steak which had morphed into rib-eye.
and i DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING REMOTELY WITTY OR FUNNY TO SAY. and what did i eventually say? 'How are you?'
i stood there and grinned at him like a girl. and he grinned happily back. i could read his thought balloon 'She has such a BAAAADDDDD crush on me'. and my thought balloon was 'I have such a BAAADDDDD crush on you- you beautiful walking rib-eye steak of a man!!!!!'
so after 5 minutes of grinning and small talk i mustered all the energy i had to pretend to walk away nonchalantly - like my insides hadn't turned into quivering jelly. i was willing my knees to 'WALK! WALK! WALK!'.
the whole tube ride back home, i kept hitting my head on the wall in my mind. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID girl!!!! i am such a GIRL!!!!!
God help me...I just don't know what to do with myself...and Twitterman...LOL!!!!