i am a magic dreamer. i believe in envisioning a life that is big, bright and full of life. i believe in big things. i believe that little things can contain big things and have big meanings - if you care enough to stand still for a moment and see them in the palm of your hand.
i am audacity. i ask for what i want and when i ask for it, i know i will get what i want. anyone can have what they want. as long as they are clear on what they want, they are willing to take inspired action and listen to messages from the universe. you don't have to give up anything to have what you want because everyone is entitled to have what they want. this is a generous universe presided over by a generous God.
this is why you do not have to covet what other people have. there is no need to be envious or jealous or harbor hatred in your heart that someone has what you think you also deserve to have. there is room for all your desires and wishes to come true - just like everyone else's.
we all find what we believe we will find.
if you believe that you have to cut off your arm to achieve what you want, then you will cut off your arm to achieve what you want.
i on the other hand, believe that all i have to do is hold out my hand to receive what i want.
receiving, just like giving, is an art. it is a virtue. in order to get what you want, you must know how to receive.
also, i like to give off the impression that i like to question everything in this world. in truth, i operate pretty much on blind faith. i question dogma, i question bigotry, i question intolerance and i question simply because i like to know facts and i like to reassure myself that my ability to remember things remain somewhat sharp. everything else i take pretty much on knowing that after all is said and done, everything will be alright. really, let me tell you, everything will set itself right.
my life generally, is one pretty much about operating on blind faith. instinct. intuition.
when i have an idea, i pretty much go with it and don't question why. it is only when i look back that i begin to see patterns - how i met this person who helped bring me to point b, that took me to point c and so on.
there is nothing such as coincidence in this world.
ralph waldo emerson said 'two people who are destined to meet apparently do so by chance. at exactly the right time'.
and i don't mean this purely in a romantic way, but life in general.
people who we need at a specific point in time will find their way to us when we need them exactly at the right time. we just need to recognize and accept that whoever is in our life at this time, whether we like them or not are meant to be there. everyone in our life is a messenger bearing a note from the universe. we cannot discount nor question - is it a big message or small? the bottomline is - it is a message. if you can't understand it now, keep it in the back of your mind and when your soul is ready to listen to the answer, you will understand without having to expend the effort to do so.
i understand now what eckkhart tolle was trying to say about the power of now.
take heart - for what you are looking for is also looking for you.
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