kicks ass - MAJORLY.
possibly one the of the best interpretations of the overly used 'coming of age' theme i have seen in a long time.
i realized, my children will grow up in a world that i could really never have imagined. where with the help of a tiny screen streaming images, superstars from nowhere are suddenly born. justin bieber, susan boyle, panacea, julie and julia.....
its easy to see how someone could imagine superheroes being born. its easy to understand how all the power of this technology could make anyone imagine or aspire to levels that perhaps ordinary humans twenty years ago would never have thought to aspire to.
it's a story of self-discovery that this generation can all relate to, understand. it is a generation, which i hope, is smart enough to actually understand the metaphors the movie used. they are all regurgitated universal storylines brought to life with a modern interpretation of violence softened by the fantastic sheen of a comic book.
a mad man's twisted desire for revenge born out of love, a daughter's desire for her father's approval, a young man's dilemma of being asked to choose between the truth about kick-ass and the truth about his father's character, a young man's ambitions to be larger than himself and aspirations to human nobility temporarily being shelved for teenage love and most of all, sex with the hottest girl he has ever known.
watching the movie made me feel like a teenager reading a comic book - at some points you are so engrossed you begin to believe you ARE HIT-GIRL then the hilarity of the cleverly devised action stunts of the pint-sized angelina jolie wannabe takes over and you realize, hey it's a moving film of a comic book.
the movie is incredibly clever, amusing, entertaining and imaginative. it also has a smashing soundtrack.
"What do they know about us?
Are they thinking of somebody else?
Are they wondering what we might be?
Are they thinking of you or of me?
We are the dream
No other way
To be
We are young
We are strong
We're not looking for where we belong
We're not cool
We are free
And we're running with blood on our knees"
KICK-ASS is one of the COOLEST MOVIES i have seen in a very long time. don't wait as long as i did to see it.
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