'the handbag of glory' is one of my favorite books. it was written by edward monkton, self-declared poet, artist, philosopher and interesting fellow. i suspect he left out 'a woman or wanna-be woman deep inside'. people who see his books on my shelf always tell me they think he wrote the books especially for me.
i've been thinking about bags recently. i told my friend, the truth about louis vuitton handbags is that you can have a hundred of them but none of them have the ability to hug you back.
it sounds like another of those vintage jill lines.
today however, in the emptiness of the selfridges' fragrance hall, i thought more about what i said.
who in the world ever buys louis vuitton handbags expecting them to hug their owner back? only a fool would expect that.
my second thought about that was, when i thought about the fact that my handbags couldn't hug me back, why didn't i think harder about why was it important that they hug me back?
the reality was that, i didn't want the bags, i wanted the hug. i was simply too far gone into my head and my pride to admit to it. and just because it was easier, i kept buying bags, and kept asking them why couldn't they hug me back.
sometimes we are so far into ourselves we are in severe denial of what we actually want. we try and replace those things our souls are longing for with other stuff and then wonder why the void inside us just won't be filled.
it takes immense honesty with yourself to admit to and try to understand the void inside you that you are trying to fill.
if it's just a handbag void, it will easily be filled up by a new handbag.
trying to fill in a void however, with handbags, or shoes, or chocolate, or foie gras,
without knowing what void it is that you are trying to fill, is futile.
and yes, a handbag may never be able to hug you back but you can certainly love it for the thing of beauty that it is. and that in itself, is a beautiful thing.
next chapter: the shoes of salvation

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