i am totally obsessing about this man. i've gone to calling him twitter man. i met him only a grand total of 4 times. and i am completely convinced i have fallen madly, utterly, totally in love with him.
in fact - i am so crazy about him, i just want to shut myself in my room, listen to sad songs and cry like they said in glee.
i'm so obsessed with him i've become his twitter stalker.
and i haven't even said hi to him on twitter because, like a stupid, delusional teenager i am afraid he might think i have a huge crush on him.
and yeah i've googled him and read all the bit of limited literature about him. in the desperate attempt to find useless trivia like when is his birthday, i've clicked on useless links all the way to search page 38.
i need to know his birthday so i can check out his western and chinese horoscopes to see how compatible we are.
remember that high school game we used to play called 'flames'? you basically take both your names. cross out the letters that are present in yours and his. then count the remaining letters which you don't have in common. the number you come up with will correspond to one letter in the world 'flames'. f means friends, l means lovers, a means apart, m means marriage, e means engaged and s means singles.
yeah i've done that - using several configurations of my names and nicknames, reversing it using letters not common to both our names.
oh and i have subscribed to a love tarot astrology site which delivers me daily readings about my prospects with him.
two days ago, a tall, nordic, boardskating looking kind of guy was browsing at our counter. he asked me all about gucci perfumes and he bought one. then he left then came back. he had a sheepish smile on his face and shyly asked if he could get my number, for a drink maybe? and i said no i've got a boyfriend. i was i this imaginary haze where in my head i was the girlfriend of twitter man.
when he left and i was for a moment, snatched back into reality, i wanted to scream at myself 'MY GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!!!! RUN AROUND THE STORE!!! LOOK FOR THE SNOW BOARDER AND GIVE HIM YOUR NUMBER!!!!BEG HIM TO TAKE YOUR NUMBER IF YOU HAVE TO!!!'
and then, the delusional haze took over again. don't worry, twitter man is YOUR man jilly!!!! so i went home and stalked him again on twitter. i am considering creating a fake twitter account and pasting a bombshell photo on it and twittering him.
i am shaking in fits of laughter as i write this.
ahhh...twitter man, i heart you....won't you please heart me too?.....hehehehe.......

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